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Account aanmakenDecorative gray moon with gold stars will give charm and lightness to any interior in which it appears. The sight of swaying, flickering with a delicate glow of stars will have a calming effect and make it easier for your baby to fall asleep. Suspended above the changing table, this decoration will attract the child's attention, catching his eyes, which makes it easy to change the nappy quickly. A gray decorative moon with gold stars also looks wonderful under a canopy.
Decorative mobile, hanging moons, attract the eye wherever they appear. The velvety moon delights with its precision and three-dimensional shape. From the mobile hang iridescent stars made of ecological leather, reliably catching the eye, bringing a magical aura to the room of the youngest.
This unusual decoration gives fabulous charm and lightness to any interior. The sight of swaying, flickering with a delicate glow of stars has a calming effect and helps the baby fall asleep. The decoration hanging above the changing table helps to attract the child, which makes it easier to scroll the baby around.